Have you ever been labelled as a ‘walking dictionary’? Or would like to be? Or maybe you just want to know a few incomprehensible words which you can throw suddenly into your conversation to impress your lecturers or your friends? Try this test and see how good your vocabulary is ... The worst that could happen is that you’ll learn a few new words!

Answer to previous issue's Word Power
1. D 11. A
2. D 12. A
3. D 13. B
4. B 14. C
5. C 15. A
6. B 16. D
7. B 17. B
8. C 18. B
9. D 19. C
10. C 20. B
1. Anachonism - A: fear of spiders. B: confusion. C: mistake in dating events. D: sarcastism.
2. Benevolent - A: kind. B: evil. C: anger. D: noble.
3. Bistro - A: sweet. B: small bar. C: yellowish colour. D: thick liquid.
4. Cavalier - A: nobility. B: knight. C: king’s household. D: casual.
5. Cicerone - A: guide. B: pepper. C: cigar. D: scarf.
6. Derrick - A: manhole cover. B: statue. C: wall. D: crane.
7. Discreet - A: acknowledge. B: unique. C: careful. D: expose.
8. Excellent - A: very good. B: strange. C: special. D: truthful.
9. Fickle - A: always changing. B: a vegetable. C: small. D: expensive.
10. Flagrant - A: scandalous. B: a very nice smell. C: loose. D: colourful.
11. Hackney - A: bush. B: carriage driver. C: senile. D: a type of horse.
12. Heinous - A: corrupt. B: huge building. C: atrocious crime. D: a bird.
13. Induce - A: falsehood. B: impossible. C: headache. D: persuade.
14. Jamboree - A: forests. B: noisy. C: merry gathering. D: picnic.
15. Lexicon - A: professor. B: dicitionary. C: typewriter. D: contagious.
16. Lucrative - A: beautiful. B: profitable. C: lighting. D: careless.
17. Masquerade - A: drama. B: party. C: disguise. D: decorative column.
18. Mundane - A: possible. B: humble. C: laughter. D: ordinary.
19. Nuptial - A: tying a knot. B: unimportant. C: problem. D: wedding.
20. Opulent - A: rich. B: repellent. C: considerate. D: tiring.
21. Prelude - A: youngster. B: racing. C: painful. D: introduction.
22. Quintal - A: unit of weight. B: innocent. C: truthful. D: proposal.
23. Requisite - A: transparency. B: control. C: requirement. D: policy.
24. Serviette - A: waiter. B: table napkin. C: household servant. D: polite.
25. Tenacious - A: crazy. B: hold tightly. C: boring. D: bad temper.

Why would I want to change my mind? Is there something wrong with the one I have?
- Mr Spock (Star Trek IV)

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