RECOGNIZING AN OLD FRIEND, Rizwan said, �What happened to you, Aqell? You�ve lost weight. You used to have hair, and now you are bald. You used to have perfect eyesight, and now you wear glasses.�

The man looked at Rizwan in amazement. �Listen, mister, my name is not Aqell. It is Ahmed.�

�My goodness, you�ve changed your name too!�

LOAN OFFICER: �Based on your credit history, it seems the kind of loan you qualify for is an auto loan.�

Customer: �You mean money to buy a car?�

Loan officer: �I mean money you lend yourself.�

FROM A PASSENGER SHIP one can see a bearded man on a small island who is shouting and desperately waving his hands.

�Who is it?� asked a passenger to the captain.

�I have no idea. Every year we pass, he goes mad.�

TRYING TO EARN some money one summer, I went door-to-door to see if any neighbor wanted their grass cut. At one house, a woman told me no, her husband mowed their lawn. As the door shut, however, I heard knocking on an upstairs window. Then a man opened the window and floated a piece of paper to me. It read: �Lawnmower in back of garage. Every Tuesday at 1 p.m. $10 will be under the doormat. Shhhh.
MY GRANDMOTHER AND I were touring the local university. �All these new buildings make me feel old,� she remarked.

�They build new buildings all the time,� I reassured her.

�Yes dear,� she replied, �but these are all named after my friends.�

AS NEW STUDENTS AT A LAW SCHOOL, many of us were unfamiliar with the campus and consequently late for class. One professor, however was particularly intolerant of tardiness. So when a student stumbled into his class one morning late, we expected the worst.

Obviously upset, the professor demanded the reason for the student�s tardiness. �I was waiting in line to buy your new textbook,� she replied nervously.

Gazing out at the rest of the class, the professor asked, �Well, why weren�t the rest of you late?�

DURING SERMON OUR CLERGYMAN stated that money wasn�t important in the afterlife, because in heaven, there is no money, I overheard one parishioner whisper to her mother, �Did you hear that, Mom? We�re already in heaven.�
TWO MONTHS BEFORE my pregnant mother was due, my sister who was five years old at the time, began asking for a brother. On the happy day, father took the little girl to greet the new arrival. Looking at her new baby brother, she burst into tears. When asked what was wrong, she said, �I wanted an older brother.�
A BOY LEAVING THE MOVIE THEATER after seeing Apollo 13 turned to a companion and said, �No wonder they had problems � Forrest Gump was doing the driving.�
OUR SON WAS A DISC JOCKEY on a university radio station. One day, he ran through his material faster then expected. He asked listeners for requests, but no one phoned. Sam played a few more hard-rock numbers, and asked for calls after each one. Still no response.

Finally he got serious with the audience. �Okay,� he said. � I�ll play hardball. If I don�t get any requests during the next number, I�ll play something my parents would like.�

The phone rang immediately.

A fROG TELEPHONES THE Psychic Hotline and is told, �You are going to meet a beautiful young girl who will want to know everything about you.�

The frog says, � This is great! Will I meet her at a party, or what?�

�No,� says the psychic. �Next semester in her biology class.�

ONE OF MY CUSTOMERS at the U.S. Department of Motor Vehicles wanted a personalized license plate with his wedding anniversary on it, as we completed the paper work he explained, �This way I can�t forget the date.�

A few hours later, I recognized the same young man waiting in my line. When his turn came, he said somewhat sheepishly, � I need to change the numbers on that plate application.�

�WHY ARE YOU SO SAD?� a man was asked.

�My aunt�s just died,� he said.

�But you were never very fond of her.�

�I know,� he said, �but I was the means of keeping her in a lunatic asylum during the last five years of her life. She has left me all her money and now I�ve got to prove that she was of sound mind.�

THE HEALTH OFFICIAL was showing a party of visitors around the mental hospital and as they walked through the gate they heard a loud noise coming from behind the wall that surrounded the asylum. In the shadow of the bushes a young man was attacking the wall with a heavy hammer and a crowbar. The official left the party and said to the man, �What on earth are you doing?�

�Hush!� came the reply. �Can�t you see I�m trying to break out of here?� and he resumed his slamming of the wall.

�Look,� said the official, �there�s a gate just across there.�

The inmate smiled knowingly, �I know that,� he admitted, �but it squeaks.�

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